Tuesday, May 08, 2012

NeW ChICks PiCs

More new chickies....10 more were patiently waiting to get out of the incubator at 7:30 this morning! Can't get my other pictures to load, so will try agin later! Enjoy!

Here we are in our new 100 degree home. Will get some new pictures tomorrow of the fluffy dry chicks we are all used to seeing.


Monday, May 07, 2012

eGGs on the ELMO! Using the ELMO students can keep a close eye on what's happening throughout the day without running to the incubator at every peep! This morning I was greeted by MUCH cheeping! Two chicks had hatched overnight and as you can see several more were working their way out as the day continued.

 Here you can see the holes that the poor babies worked on all day. Of course at 3:35 three more made it out of the shell! We will see what greets me tomorrow!

Stay tuned as "Days of our Hatching" continues. I promise to get some shots of the dried off chicks in the next day or so. Maybe even a few of the wet ones straight out of the shell!!


5th graders found and recreated the phases of the moon. Waxing and waning....always reminds me of the Karate Kid....hmmm.

She looks way to happy! Nice poster and like the poster!!


So, we were all serious for the class pictures  and then went a little crazy.
Here are the results of CrAZy class pictures!

Class of 2018

These guys have been a great class. I have loved having them even though a few mornings I think I said "stop talking" 496 times in a 10 minute period! They are definitely a social group and their verbal social skills will someday benefit each of them. Between now and then.....well, I'm sure they will hear the words "stop talking" a few more thousand times. Good luck to each one of you and be good!! :)


Guided Reading Groups
 Something new this last semester is our guided reading groups. Students work in small groups on specific reading strategies to improve their reading skills. Here a couple of pictures with students working in their groups. It has been a great thing and students are receiving much more individual attention. It has been a great experience for teachers and students alike! We will be continuing these groups next year and look forward to the rewards it has to offer!
 Web Rangers...an on-linereading activity. Very engaging!
This group finished thier book and it was one of those infamous cliff hangers.....here they are writing their "ending" to the story Z for Zachariah.

Would just like to add that our guided reading groups would not be possible without all our staff involved. So, to all the paraprofessionals, librarian, and all others involved a huge THANK YOU for being so wonderful and leading a group. None of this would have been possible without you!
