Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TyPes of sOil

Hmm, wonder what that kind is?
Are you serious?? Yep, those are worm castings!
A seriously close look!


Ice Cream sundaes and games....Much fun and great ice cream!!
What beautiful faces!
Ice cream, toppings, whipped cream and of course....a cherry for the top!
Serious game going on! Oh wait, something else is going on over there!!

P.B.& J WrITiNg PrOjecT

Writing students were given the assignment of writing an informative piece on how to make a PB & J. Who knew it was so tough!! This young man would have to have eaten the entire loaf of bread, jar of jelly and peanut butter! We had a great time and many laughs as we read and followed the directions written by the students!!
This young woman did get a slice of bread with a glob of peanut butter and jelly. She DID remember to take the lid off the jars!!
Mrs. Dwyer attempts to eat the first PB & J....jars and all!! I believe the directions said "put the PB & J on the bread!!" She did and it did not work out so well!!

This was a great learning activity. Students did all get a half of a real PB and J, no jars included! We then edited and rewrote our directions so that the PB & J actually ended up on the bread!!

VaLEntiNes DaY!

Several students received singing Valentines...Nice job choir we ALL enjoyed it!
Eating lots of "yummy" stuff! I think there might have been a sugar high after all this!
More food being consumed:)

PaRTs of a PLAnT

Students label and explain the parts of a plant!
Pretty cute and fun!

WaTeR CYcLe!

4th graders creating dioramas showing the water cycle.
Remember? Collection, condensation...
The beginning of the the water a box!

Work, work, work!

Two productive students!
Girls working in the tent in our Reading to Ride area in the back of the room. They love the tent that was put in for Guided Reading. A great study zone!
Work, work, work!!

Study Hall in the HALL! Teachers were in a meeting so they took it upon themselves to "camp" out in the hallway and get started on homework! A proud moment for all!

A very intense sculptor!! Writing class created sculptures and then wrote a story including their sculpture!!