ScHoOl DaZe
The daily educational activities of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students in Social Studies and Science...and other fun stuff too!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
P.B.& J WrITiNg PrOjecT
Writing students were given the assignment of writing an informative piece on how to make a PB & J. Who knew it was so tough!! This young man would have to have eaten the entire loaf of bread, jar of jelly and peanut butter! We had a great time and many laughs as we read and followed the directions written by the students!!
This young woman did get a slice of bread with a glob of peanut butter and jelly. She DID remember to take the lid off the jars!!
Mrs. Dwyer attempts to eat the first PB & J....jars and all!! I believe the directions said "put the PB & J on the bread!!" She did and it did not work out so well!!