Welcome to ScHoOl DaZe!
I have created this blog so parents, community members, and all others can get a glimpse of what goes on throughout our school year. There will be all classes of students included, but most will focus on the children and events within the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade social studies and science classroom. Throughout the year we celebrate and learn about so many different things, I thought it would be awesome to be able to share some of our times with everyone out there. Most parents can't be apart of every moment of their child's education, so hopefully this will provide them with a glimpse of some of our "fun" and "educational" activities. Watch for up-dates and please leave comments. We will be anxiously awaiting them. So here we go.........And don't forget to add us to your favorites!!
I'm loving it! Just seeing if this works! Hope all parents can join us soon!
thanks for putting the blog up we are enjoying it!
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